Wednesday, August 29, 2012


1. Which building typology are you researching?
I'm researching libraries that are not the typical box with rows and rows of shelves.

2. Why are you researching this building typology?
I've never been inside a library that made me gaze at its architectural elements. Libraries are typically dark and have limited natural lighting. This made me wonder if there are any existing libraries that thought about incorporating architecture and natural lighting as part of the design.

3. What is the specialty of this building type you would like to research?
Since a library is a collection of different genres, perhaps the architectural section can be emphasized or be the focal point.

4. What are the examples that you will be researching?

1) New Stuttgart Library  by Yi Architects, located in Stuttgart, Germany
floor plans

The exterior looks heavy and like jail cells, but the interior is very open and void. A lot of natural lighting comes from the glass roof.

2) Seattle Public Library by Rem Koolhaas, located in Seattle, Washington

3) Salt Lake City Public Library by Moshe Safdie and Associates, located in Salt Lake City, Utah
Here is an article  about Salt Lake City Public Library

4) Amsterdam Public Library by Jo Coenen & Co Architekten, located in Amsterdam, Netherlands

5) Santa Catarina's Public Library by Ricardo GonçalvesRafael BrychJoão Paulo PayarMatheus Marques, located in Florianopolis, Brazil

6) Bishan Public Library  by LOOK Architects, located in Singapore

7) The Royal Library of Denmark by Schmidt Hammer Lassen, located in Copenhagen, Denmark

The interior atrium of the library refelcts and makes the waterfront a part of the interior. 

5. What are your goals for working with this building type?
My goal for working with this building type is to create an atmosphere where you can read, do your homework, and experience a unique walk through the library.

6.What are the program elements that you see included at this point in your building?
 Some program elements I will be including are entrance, a meeting hall, genre sections, computer lab, lounge areas, tables, book checkout, catalogue area, information desk, and cafe at top floor.