Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Circulation and Private vs. Public


  Floor Plan/ Level 0
Public vs. Private
Floor Plan/ level +8
Private vs. Public

Floor Plan/ Level 0

Floor Plan/ level +8
Private vs. Public


2. The Royal Library of Denmark

3. Santa Catarina's Public Library

Ground Floor Plan

Underground Floor Plan

1 comment:

  1. While i know at times circulation and public vs private diagrams seem the most 'to the point' diagrams, I encourage you to take these diagrams to the next level going beyond what you think which way people are going. OMA's circulation diagrams, they take apart the circulation of each player (libarian, custodian, public etc) and thereby able to analyze the engagement of each player and how they interact with each other. Also a lot of times architects use circulation to engage people in different views and elements (peter zumtor & Frank Lloyd Wright). Also for diagram tips: make sure you take out any distracting elements that confuses your point, your colors should make sense so making variations of 'public lines' you should make that clear.
