Monday, November 5, 2012

Collages and Models

For this assignment, I had to make 3 collages that showed my site impression of the Manhattan site, the word 'connection' and the program of my building type. For each collage, I created 3 models that represented the collage.

This collage shows my site impression of the Manhattan site when I went to visit it. The site was a triangular lot and so immediately I thought of triangles and different angles. The lot also had a solid building, followed by an empty and abandoned lot, followed by a solid building. I noticed the site had a neighborly side as well, which is why I have people in my collage.

 Models from Site Impression Collage

The left model represents the different angles the site had and the slope that it sat on. The next model shows all the triangular shapes of the site and near the site, as well as how they are or can be connected to each other. The right model shows the idea of solid and void or how I found the site to be semi abandoned. 

This collage represents the word 'connection.' I showed how tracks connect destinations together, as well as roads and bridges. I also thought of how a the links of a chain are connected and how the internet keeps the world and society connected.

Models from "Connection" Collage

The left model represents railroad tracks. This model is on the literal side, and so I'll be remaking  this model more abstract. The middle model represents the connection of roads, bridges, and chains all connected to each other. The right model represents the internet connection and how different people can be all connected at the same time.

This collage represents the program of my building. I'm doing a modern library that can relate to today's technology and how people are using libraries nowadays. I want to have books in my library program, because I believe that is what makes a library. Also I'll include more computer stations and workspace with outlets that allow people to plug in and use their laptops, tablets,phone or other electronics.

Models from "Building Program" Collage

The left model represents the unfolding of books and how it's rapidly transforming  digitally. The middle model represents the digital component of my library like computers and touch screen catalogs, etc. The right model, represents the theater component of my program, but I'm not satisfied with how this model turned out because it's very bland. I'll be remaking this model as well and will be updating this post with my new models.


  1. Your collages are intriguing, and visually more inspiring than your little models.
    Think of layering and connecting. How can that ides be implemented further?

  2. I think I agree with Lia in the sense that your collages are much more interesting than your models. Your models take things too literally and your models further limit your capability of concept model expression. Although I do feel that you're getting an understanding of the nature of the programs through the way your study models are forming. (such as the 'wild nature' of wireless connections)

    For your site collage- i don't think i really understand quite frankly. You're too focused on the triangular shape of the site and forgetting that site means an infinite number of things. Weather conditions, adjacent programs, site history, historical significance, demographics, sun positioning, weather, transportation connections, etc. The triangular shape only reflects your site boundaries- and even then I don't feel like you're exploring the advantages of the triangle shape in relative to the site. I encourage you to build out your site and understand it.

    Connection collage I found to appreciate because all the things you're putting together in the collage are extremely interesting. But what I think you can improve on is exploring each one of these matters and understanding HOW they connect each other- and how they connect. Physically? Mentally? Economically? Connection is THE way we work in the 21st century. Connecting is how cities, people, and ideas are truly generated. This could be greatly greatly influential in your project

    Lastly I also enjoyed your program collages. But I do disagree to your statement that books makes a library. There are many types of libraries because there are such things such as botanical libraries, digital libraries, seed libraries, etc. Library just means a collection of resources. But anyways - I think that if you're going to make a futuristic/modern library I think you need to explore your words of 'how (unfolding books) its rapidly transforming digitally". If your library is to truly embrace a futuristic sense I think you will need to track digital revelations such as smart phones, twitter, facebook, mobile offices, digital presence, etc. And make a critical assessment of what it means for the future. Not just house something that already exists (and will probably go out of style in a year).

  3. Also Collaging is a revolutionary tool in the transformation of architecture. Use collaging as a meaningful tool

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