Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Final Floor Plans and Model

My floor plans have angular walls that reflect the angles of the triangular prisms. The angles were inspired the triangular site and the the park across the site.  I added some furniture to my library floor plans and made some changes. I added an egress to the auditorium and connected it to the buildings egress stairs, which can be seen on the lower right side of the ground floor plan.
Ground Floor Plan

1st Floor Plan

The Second Floor Plan has a two levels: the main floor and the cafe. There is a set of stairs leading down to the cafe and a ramp with glass walls that leads to the cafe as well. This can be seen in the 3D model I included below. 

2nd Floor Plan

 The Section shows the flow of space from floor to floor and the set of stairs leading to the cafe can be seen here. I used the concept of solid and void from my study models to arrange the Library Building and the Library Park.
Longitude Section

Here is the site plan for my model, facing true north

The South Perspective Elevation shows the Library Park, which mimics the buildings walls and creates a playful experience when you walk through.
South Perspective Elevation
The North Perspective Elevation is all glass and creates a view from the inside of the library looking outside. You can also see the movement and silhouettes from people as you approach the library. The main entrance to the library is located to the left side and features three glass doors.
North Perspective Elevation

East Perspective Elevation

West Perspective Elevation
 While building my 3D model on sketchup, I decided to incorporate balconies on the 1st and 2nd floor. This will allow people to enjoy the outside view from the west side of the building as well.

 The roof has glass on the north sides which allow indirect light to enter the library and illuminate the interior spaces. This was my initial goal for the library, to allow natural light to enter.
Birdseye View 

Site in Context

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